It is good thing to know that most cases pertaining to personal injury get settled pre-trial. Litigation is not required for such cases as adjusters settle claim with client before jury trial is faced.
When the evidences are clear and the person suffers actual injury, insurance companies look for ways to settle claim as liability is quite clear. The actual problem arises with the estimation of claim.
When case valuation ranges between $ 40, 000 and $ 55, 000 where initial demand made is $ 55, 000 and adjuster proposes $ 7, 000, things always get complicated. This big gap cannot be bridged easily and filing suit is the best way left for the attorney.
Those who are willing on settling the injury case can also come up with offer of $ 20, 000 or $ 25, 000. When both the parties get involved in further discussion, it is quite easy to take the overall figure to $ 40, 000 which every client will possibly be happy with.
However, when adjusters offer very insignificant percentage of total value of some case even though injuries and liabilities are clearly present, filing suit remains the ultimate option. During litigation, defence attorneys or seasoned adjusters take care of the proceedings. They have vast knowledge in this field and thoroughly aware of case worth aspects. When settlement amount isn’t even sufficient for paying the clients’ medical bill, litigation is absolutely necessary. A good and well reputed attorney always tries to maximize the client’s recovery.