Law enforcement organizations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have come together in cybercrime law issues. The union is to target the individuals associated in the fraud schemes which are done through the internet use. Cases related to identity thefts, computer hacking, production and distribution of the forged credit cards are particularly investigated by feds.
Miami’s cyber crime task force features local, federal and state investigative agencies. All these agencies will combine their efforts for combating the heightening levels of the identity theft in violation of cybercrime law. In the fraud investigations, law enforcement organizations receive the assistance of credit card firms and local banks. This task force isn’t focusing on arresting and prosecuting the local criminals. Their aim is to come hard on the ringleaders who are operating from foreign shores.
Eight people suspected to be violating cybercrime law were arrested by this task force from South Florida and Atlanta. Most of the arrested people were employees of a reputable company working at the call centers. All the arrested employees are accused of identity stealing of the customers and private account information. They’re also suspected of conspiracy with other people for using this information in order to file wrong mobile phone claims for insurance.
Defendants are charged with conspiracy for committing online fraud and severe identity theft. They might face the sentences depending upon the federal’s sentencing guidelines as per the intensity of loss which the victims suffered. The judge may also provide two years of sentence adding to the guideline as the consequence of severe identity stealing charges.
In a totally different kind of case, a Hialeah individual was arrested by task force. He is charged with stealing internet modems and cable boxes for modifying them illegally and selling these pieces to the unauthorized users. These modems and set top boxes were altered for allowing services without any charges to this owner being incurred. According to some relevant investigators, these pieces were reached to many addresses throughout south Florida. As per FBI sources, the items were delivered by a mail delivery staff to third party who finally delivered them for resale to this defendant.
A residential man was arrested in charges of sale and use false credit cards by this task force. Throughout the eastern and western coast of Florida, credit card falsification cases have turned out to be prevalent for some years. A personal arrested on credit card falsification case may be charged in any state of the federal court.
The jurisdiction wherever this case is to be prosecuted depends largely on the exact number of false credit cards seized. It is also depending upon the proportion of loss handled by account owner or organization. The cyber task force of FLorida features some of these law enforcement organizations. It includes Police, FBI and more. Hopefully, in the coming years, the total number of cybercrime law violation cases will go down. Combating these challenges has become increasingly simple owing to the advancement in technology.
Image credit: scanrail